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Customized Self-Service Experience via ELERA and Loyalty Profile Synchronization

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Kristen Chung, Kirk Goldman, Theodore Clark, Manda Miller, Sam Champagne, Pranit Kotgire, Levent Kacan

This solution proposes a method for personalizing SCO UX with various preferences including colloquialisms, language, tone, colors, and fonts based on loyalty accounts and biometric identification.

When a shopper uses a self-checkout machine, the user experience is not personalized to their unique preferences and behaviors. The solution is to improve the shopper experience by augmenting the user experience based off their loyalty account and biometric inputs.

There are three distinct entities in place in this disclosure:

1. The Elera Platform and Elera Self-Service Application
2. Retailer Loyalty Application
3. Consumer-Specific Membership to the Loyalty Application

The chain of events are as follows:
1. A retailer adds-on the Elera Self-Service Shopper Customization (part of the Elera Self-Service solution) capability to their retailer loyalty application.
2. Built into the Elera Self-Service Shopper Customization microservice are features and functions that can be toggled on or off. Each feature function toggled on would allow input by the shopper to define the UI on the Self-Checkout solution.
3. A shopper downloads or registers for the retailer’s loyalty application to their mobile device (or anything that allows them to sign-in to a profile).
4. The shopper is presented with the features/functions that have been toggled on by the retailer in Step 2. The shopper inputs their preferences for these features.
5. The preferences then feed into the Elera Self-Service Shopper Customization microservice and are tied to the loyalty profile of the shopper.
6. The shopper identifies themselves at the SCO – via biometrics or scanning their loyalty application, which triggers the UI on the self-checkout to then pull the specific inputs into the UI for that shopper onto the self-checkout interface.

Preference Inputs by the shopper could include, but not be limited to the following:
• Colloquialisms, local dialects, and regional words
• Language preference; additional currencies shown (besides the local currency)
• Tone of voice, speed of voice, volume of voice, celebrity voices, personas (i.e. Italian Mom)
• Colors, fonts, size of fonts
• Ability to see weather updates based on location
• Preferred name


TGCS Reference 00121

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