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Virtual Meeting Alive Pulse App

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Charles Krupinski, Charles Messina

This solution provides an App that when traveling and taking virtual meetings in new locations with poor internet connections would allow the individual user to know if they are getting the entire call or missing out on parts due to the connection dropping.

When taking a virtual meeting on any platform, with a poor connection, You need an app that runs server side and will play a very low level pulse only to the user requesting that audio input. The purpose of this is so that when you have a pause in the meeting, with a bad connection you can tell if it was because the connection dropped or if users have stopped speaking at that time. This will allow the user to get a better understanding if they need to request that someone repeat themselves due to dropped connection.

A server side app would be installed, which each individual user could then turn on. This app would provide a 1 second heart beat sound, that is at a very low volume to only the requesting user. As long as they continue to hear the faint 1 second heartbeat then they would be aware that the call is staying connected and not lagging, even if users all take a break from speaking. The moment that the heartbeat stops coming through, then you know that the connection has issues and you will need to either reconnect or ask for the participants to repeat themselves.

TGCS Reference 3692

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