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Read the Package Label in 1 Turn

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Ty Wu, Leo Lee, Shane Lee, Anderson Lin

This solution provides a means of reducing the time and movement needed to read the labels on a package or item. With this solution the s
ystem can get the package label information when the goods are put on the working table, or after 1 time upside-down turn.

Situation 1 : In factory at shipment station, operator rotates the box or takes the barcode reader to get the package label to scan to get the information of the goods.

Situation 2 : In store, the clerk rotates the box or takes the barcode reader to get the label on the merchandise to scan to get the cost information.

To reduce the time operator, assisting the clerk to find the label is helpful to make the work process more efficient.

Set a planar beam splitter between the  camera and package.

The camera is able to capture the image of top of the package and the bottom of the package w/o to turning the package upside down.

The system based on the data to analyze the image to get the label information.

System can get the package label information when the goods are put on the working table, or after 1 time upside-down turn.


TGCS Reference 3698

Contact Intellectual Property department for more information