TCx® 820

Embrace the ever-changing retail landscape with a flexible, high-performance POS All-in-One Solution, built to enhance any customer experience with fast and efficient check-out anywhere, anytime.

Meet the TCx® 820.

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About This Item

General Info

  • Built “Retail Tough” with common retail hardened testing standards, measured on a higher level across  all Toshiba’s  hardware solutions
  • Sleek and compact design – powered by the  latest Intel 13th Generation Core® processors
  • Engineered to be more cost effective and energy efficient with fanless design 
  • TCx OS for Android, TCx® Sky OS, Windows and Linux Compatible
  • Trusted solution provider that supports long-term investments in POS systems
  • Energy Star Certified


Cost-effective, compact solution that provides quick and easy utilization in areas with higher throughput


Seamlessly integrate into any retail environment with multiple display offerings - sized right for your needs: 15”, 15.6”, 19.5” and 24” Portrait
Orange Eye Icon


Equipped with Biometric Edge Computing for AI functionality needed in implementing that added layer of verification, security, and beyond

Tool-free Access

Ease of access to the tailgate with scalable connectivity saves on installation time and costs associated with downtime

Navigating Retail Change

Welcome Toshiba's TCx 820 All-in-One. Inspiring retail with a stylishly designed POS that fits environments where versatility and space are optimal.  This robust solution empowers retail to invest in the future with a reliable high-performance POS that's flexible enough to enhance the ever-evolving customer experience with fast and efficient check-outs anywhere, every time. 


Modular eXpansion Platform

Think big, small, or somewhere in between with Toshiba’s MxP Modular eXpansion Platform. Create your own tomorrow and tailor a self-checkout solution that’s unique to your specific retail environment.

MxP™ Modular eXpansion Platform


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