About This Item
General Info
- Real-time asset data centralized into a single view
- Audit current overall store asset health and alert to issues
- Evaluate asset configuration change history for negative changes
- Monitor asset availability for maximum utilization and minimal store impact
- Plan and schedule asset upgrades with capacity reporting
- Extendable and flexible framework with an intuitive user interface

Improve Uptime
Don't let unpredictable disruptions to the store impact the in-store experiences that you work so hard to deliver. Toshiba's RSMP is designed to focus on the nuances and specialized equipment used in retail store environments. From client to cloud, we can give you the comfort that accompanies understanding your equipment’s condition and performance. Having insight into possible failure ahead of experiencing the downtime that failure can cause is even more critical when travel and logistics are affected with longer than normal delays. Resolve potential issues with your POS solutions before they cause lanes to shut down. Our modular approach to systems management gives you the flexibility to choose a solution design that meets your needs.