The downloads below are divided into 2 sections, files that are publicly accessible to anyone and files that are restricted to those with an Enterprise ID (learn more)
Support Policy
The support policy for TGCS driver packages can be found below:
The document below shows which operating systems are supported across different processors and TGCS plaforms, to better enable viable operating system upgrade options for different POS terminal models.
Public TGCS packages (MUS, VSP, NWD, SSDLM, inventory & sensor driver)
Content below is publicly available to anyone at no cost
Monitor Update Solution (MUS)
Monitor Update Solution updates the touch and/or video firmware in 6149 & 4820 displays and 6140-1xx/2xx/A30 system units. .
It will not update touch/video firmware on 6140-x4x/x5x system units (see TCxTouchUpdater below), but will update touch/video firmware on external displays connected to a 6140-x4x/x5x system unit.
You must install the operational package (OP) before any update packages (UP)
MUS operational package for Windows, v2.2
MUS operational package for SLE11 SP3, v2.1-9.1
MUS operational package for SLE12 SP2, v2.1-10.2
MUS operational package for SLE15, v2.2-13
Update package for touch firmware (requires operational package listed above)
Product | Linux | Windows |
4820-2Lx / 5Lx (4:3) | v0105-1.0.01 | v2.1.02 |
4820-21x / 51x (4:3) | v010F-1.0.01 | v2.1.01 |
6140-1xx / 2xx (16:9) | v2.1.00 | |
6140-x3x (4:3) | v2.1.02 | |
6149-5xx | v0007-1.0.04 | v2.1.05 |
Update package for video firmware (requires operational package listed above)
Product | Linux | Windows |
4820-2Lx / 5Lx (4:3) | v0113-1.0.02 | v2.1.04 |
4820-21x / 51x (4:3) | v0137-1.0.01 | v2.1.02 |
6149-5Nx / 5Sx (4:3) | v0015-1.0.02 | v2.1.13 |
6149-5Cx (16:9) | v0011-1.0.01 | v2.1.10 |
Virtual Serial Port
Virtual Serial Port drivers allows RS232 POS applications to communicate with the USB MSR, USB line display, USB cash drawer and USB iButton on supported POS system units. It also supports the USB 6145 TCx printers.
Note that this does NOT allow access to any USB I/O device, only specific devices on select POS terminals. It also does not support the 4610 Suremark printer (which are out of support).
Version | Release Date | Status | Support End |
all prior | varies | Unsupported | varies |
1.8 | November 2021 | Unsupported | April 2023 |
1.9 | September 2022 | Unsupported | September 2023 |
1.10 | April 2023 | Supported | when 1.12 is released |
1.11 | September 2023 | Supported | when 1.13 is released |
Windows (v1.11.8, 5 September 2023)
Linux (v1.11.7, 5 September 2023)
TCxTouchUpdater updates the touch firmware on TCxWave (6140), TCx 800 (6200), TCx 810 (6201) POS terminals, and 6149-Bxx/Wxx models of TCx Display.
For touch updates on earlier models use MUS above.
6140-14x (Windows, v1.1.3, 10 Jan 2018)
6140-15x (Windows, v1.1.4, 10 Jan 2018)
6200-1xx / 6201-xxx / 6149-Bxx/Wxx (Windows, v1.4.2, 6 September 2023)
POS SSD Life Monitor Drivers
POS SSD Life Monitor Drivers monitors solid state disks on Toshiba POS systems to determine when the number of writes to a drive means the SSD is reaching it's lifetime maximum.
Windows (v1.8.3, 5 September 2023)
Linux (v1.5.1, 5 September 2023)
Native Windows Driver (NWD)
NWD is a printer driver for Microsoft Windows, so that you can print to your RS232, USB or ethernet 4610 or 6145 printer from any Windows application without needing to make any changes to your POS application.
Version | Release Date | Status | Support End |
all prior | varies | Unsupported | June 2018 |
4.4.10 | November 2021 | Unsupported | September 2023 |
4.5.10 | September 2022 | Supported | when 4.7 is released |
4.6.5 | September 2023 | Supported | when 4.8 is released |
Windows (v4.6.5, 5 September 2023)
POS Sensor Driver
POS Sensor Driver performs real-time readings of the static and dynamic values of the POS system hardware sensors (e.g. fan, temperature and voltage sensors). The driver maps sensor information into CIM for application usage. The real-time information provided by the driver can be monitored using Remote Management Agent (RMA).
Versions 1.x and 2.x supported systems that have reached End of Engineering Support status, and have been removed.
Windows (v3.10.14, 6 September 2023)
Linux (v3.10.15, 6 September 2023)
Display Inventory Driver
The Display Inventory Driver (DID) pulls inventory data from attached TGCS displays and feeds that information into CIM so it can be consumed by RMA. You can use DID in combination with the POS Sensor Driver (above) to remotely keep detailed inventory information on your POS terminals and devices.
Note that DID does not support built-in displays in all-in-products like SurePOS 500 or TCx800.
Windows (v1.7.5, 5 September 2023)
Linux (v1.7.1, 5 September 2023)
Public drivers (OS drivers for POS terminals)
Content below is publicly available to anyone at no cost
Please refer to the I/O Devices Support page
Touch Drivers
Windows drivers are listed below.
For linux drivers please contact the respective vendor or your upstream OS provider.
3M Touchscreen
Touch driver for Window PosReady 2009, Windows 7, PosReady 7, Windows 8.1
There is no Windows 10 driver because the 6140-1xx system units do not support that operating system (v7.13, 20 November 2017)
EETI Touch Driver
Touch driver for Windows 10
There is no driver for older versions of Windows because the hardware that uses the EETI touch system does not support anything but Windows 10
Windows (v5.14.0.22601, 7 December 2023)
EETI Touch utilities
The Touch Utilities User Guide includes details on the following 5 Windows utilities (v1.0.2.5, 23 February 2022) (v1.6.0.4, 23 February 2022) (v1.0.3.5, 23 February 2022) (v1.0.4.7, 23 February 2022) (v1.0.0.2, 23 February 2022)
ELO Touch Driver
Touch driver for Windows PosReady 2009, Windows 7, PosReady 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Windows (v6.9.10, 19 January 2018)
Restricted content (UPOS, USB POS Diagnostics key, Wifi printer driver)
Content below is only available to entitled customers with a TGCS enterprise ID (learn more)
Mobile Printer SDK
The Mobile Printer SDK allows you to write an Android or iOS application that prints directly to our 4610 and 6145 POS printers that contain a wired or wifi interface card.
The Android download is fully functional, the iOS download contains licence forms that must be returned to TGCS via an SR before we will provide the driver.
Android (v1.3, 18 February 2020)
iOS (v1.2, 12 November 2018)
USB POS Diagnostics key
Use the POS Diagnostics package to troubleshoot hardware problems on POS systems. Use it also to update firmware on any POS I/O device, as well as configure 4610 and 6145 printer logos, fonts and messages.
Starting with version 14 (December 2022) of the diagnostics package the firmware files are now split into a separate file; this reduces the size of the initial diagnostics package download, and also allows us to update the firmware file without the need for releasing an entire new diagnostics package.
If you intend to use the diagnostics package to update firmware on a device you'll also need to download the file containing the latest firmware. This is the same as the firmware files found elsewhere on the web site, just packaged together for convenience.
Version 15.1
USB key version & documentation (25 June 2024
Remote version & documentation (25 June 2024
Latest firmware files (17 July 2024)
A version of the TGCS USB Diagnostics package containing additional features to diagnose problems with self-checkout systems is available.
Unified Point of Service (UPOS) is the umbrella term for the OPOS & JavaPOS (JPOS) drivers. UPOS drivers support IBM & Toshiba POS specific peripherals such as 2x20 displays and receipt printers on multiple operating systems.
We encourage all customers and business partners to be familiar with the UPOS specification, which can be obtained from the Object Management Group at
There are multiple drivers available, depending on operating system and hardware.
OPOS & JavaPOS for Windows & Linux
JavaPOS requires a JVM, you are responsible for supplying your own (Oracle, OpenJDK, etc).
Don't forget to read the UPOS Knowledgebase, including instructions on how to configure a driver trace and UPOS lifecycle information
1.14.13 (September 2023)
User Guide
Windows x64 download
Linux x64 download (contains .rpm & .deb packages)
As previously announced we no longer provide a 32-bit UPOS package.
JavaPOS For TCxSky
A 64-bit package of the linux package above is available for TCx Sky 1.2 and higher. It is available by opening a Support Request to L2 support.
It follows the same life cycle (3 years) as the Windows/linux package above.
Note that the JavaPOS version number in the TCx Sky module report can be hard to read, the format is explained here
OPOS & JavaPOS for Pro-X Hybrid Kiosk
The printer & TAL on the Pro-X Hybrid Kiosk are not TGCS hardware and are not supported by UPOS drivers above. You must download separate OPOS & JPOS drivers for those devices from the self checkout & self-service support page.
There are separate KB articles available for OPOS & JavaPOS on Pro-X Hybrid Kiosk, including driver architecture overview and driver tracing
JavaPOS for Android OS
This package is specifically for Android OS on system units, and not Android OS on TCx M1 handheld.
The devices currently supported by the JPOS for Android driver, are only the ones contained in the documentation. More devices will be supported in future releases.
2.2401.7 (24 May 2024)
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