There are multiple cross-platform packages available (including Diagnostics, UPOS Drivers, RMA, MUS, NWD and VSP) as well as system unit drivers that apply to multiple machine types (including touch screen drivers)
View common packages & drivers
Content below is only available to entitled customers with a TGCS enterprise ID (learn more)
Self checkout HW Knowledgebase
Security Alerts
Security alerts are listed on the News page and in this Knowledgebase article
Publication libraries include all relevant documentation for a specific POS terminal.
A version of the TGCS USB Diagnostics package containing additional features to diagnose problems with self-checkout systems is available.
6900-1xx Pro-X Hybrid Kiosk
OS Drivers & Downloads
Windows drivers for the POS terminal in the self checkout lane are listed by machine type on the relevant hardware page.
POS Devices - Printer & TAL (signal light)
There are no drivers built-in to any supported operating system (Windows, linux, or TCx Sky) that support this hardware out of the box, you will always need to download something additional no matter which operating system you use.
This is complicated product to configure, please make sure you have read the KB article, Pro-X Hybrid Kiosk driver architecture overview
OPOS (Windows) driver for printer & TAL (v4.0.6.0)
JavaPOS (Windows or linux) driver for printer & TAL (v2.22.6.0)
TCx Sky extension, containing JPOS drivers for printer & TAL & 4610 emulation firmware (v26)
UPOS systems management information (v1.2.0)
TAL (non-UPOS) API (Windows) (v1.1.2.0)
TAL (non-UPOS) API (linux) (v1.2.0.0)
Printer & TAL Configuration Utility (v2.4.0.0)
Printer firmware (boot 21.04 / main 51.44 / font 3.05 / table 51.01)
TAL firmware (boot 0101 / main 0106)
POS Devices - Scanner
Scanner drivers for WIndows & linux can be obtained directly from the relevant OEM, Datalogic or Zebra (depending on which hardware feature you ordered) or you can use the TGCS UPOS drivers if you prefer. Note that if you are running CHEC you must use the TGCS drivers, not the ones from the scanner vendor.
If you are using TCx Sky and downloaded the printer & TAL driver above then you also need the TGCS JPOS driver for the scanner (since all built-in OS support for all devices is disabled once you install any JPOS extension, and the built-in scanner driver that is included in the OS won't work any more).
TGCS drivers for all supported operating systems (Windows, linux & Tcx Sky) can be found on the common packages & drivers page.
KOP-3S01 Kiosk Printer User Manual
6800-Kxx Self Checkout Kit Of Parts
OS Drivers & Downloads
Windows drivers for the POS terminal in the self checkout lane are listed by machine type on the relevant hardware page.
6800-1x0 / 2x0 / 3x0 Self Checkout
OS Drivers & Downloads
Windows drivers for the POS terminal in the self checkout lane are listed by machine type on the relevant hardware page.
POS Devices
There are no hardware drivers required for the cash devices or security scale, and access to those devices is controlled by the CHEC application.
Chinese, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Hardware Planning & Installation Guide
Chinese, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
4888-Exx / BW4 Self Checkout
OS Drivers & DownloadsWindows drivers for the POS terminal in the self checkout lane are listed by machine type on the relevant hardware page.
POS Devices
There are no hardware drivers required for the cash devices or security scale, and access to those devices is controlled by the CHEC application.
4888-Exx/BW4 Planning & Installation Guide
4888-Exx/BW4 Hardware Service Guide
4845-Exx / Xxx / BWx Self Checkout
Support ended 1 February 2020. Refer to this web page (enterprise ID required) for more information, and for any available downloads and publications.
4845-1xx / 6xx / 8xx / Wxx Self Checkout
Support ended 1 Nov 2018. Refer to this web page (enterprise ID required) for more information, and for any available downloads and publications.
4855-xxx Anyplace Checkout
Support ended 1 Nov 2018. Refer to this web page (enterprise ID required) for more information, and for any available downloads and publications.
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